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Frozen Pipes on a Mobile Home

Q. My daughter lives 100 miles away in a mobile home she recently bought. She went away for a few days and turned off her water. She had also been working on the valves that supply her washing machine a couple of weeks before she left. She ended up replacing them because they were corroded and to rule that out as a reason her washer wasn't working... Today she called and said during her shower, the water started ok, but soon slowed to just a trickle.
Here are some of the things I told her to try
I told her to make sure she turned the supply valve completely on, she said she did.
I asked her if both hot and cold water don't work, neither works.
I asked her to check to see that the light on the heat tape is still on, it is.
She also said that under her trailer is warm, so she believes that the mobile home plumbing pipes have not frozen. (I was thinking it might be that, because we've had some below zero temps in the past week or so.)
What else could it be?
Thank you!
The mobile home was built in 1973 and had been empty for several months before she bought it. She moved in just before Halloween.

A. (My reply question)Is she on a well or public water system?(Reply answer) Utility.
If you believe that the pipes are not froze then the first thing you need to do is to make sure that the supply from the utility is OK. I had my water freeze on the city side of my meter last year. You may need to have the water company to check that water is actually flowing through the meter. Then we can go from there.
Update: You were right!  The main water pipe was frozen before it got to her meter.  Thank you so much for your help.

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